In this week's episode I sit down with Ashley Rios, young entrepreneur and owner of Fit Culture Pilates.
EPISODE DATE: 5/2/2019

Ashley Rios and I hit it off really well in this episode and we talked a lot. We talked about really important realities of being a millennial such as facing student loan debt, choosing money over passion and experiencing a quarter life crisis.
Having an education in fashion and experience in the fashion industry as a fashion designer, Ashley found herself stressed and in pain. She discovered that she was having sever back issues and sought out pilates as a means to heal and strengthen herself. Pilates soon became her ritual and now her passion. After years of enduring a toxic working environment in the fashion industry she also found herself a victim to sexual harassment which led her on a healing journey and resulted in seed money for her business. She spent a year traveling and found peace after attending many health and fitness retreats.
A local girl, raised in San Pedro, she decided that her next adventure would be as an entrepreneur. She chose to pursue her passion for fitness, specifically pilates, here in San Pedro. Her pilates studio is set to open this month (May 2019) and is set to be the only pilates studio in town. She tells us about her journey to getting a business location and finalizing the details of her new venture.
Be sure to check out the links in the show notes.
Fit Culture Pilates
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