This week's guest is Ryan Blaney, a local technology lawyer who has started his firm Bolinimi International here in San Pedro and is dedicated to growing San Pedro's local tech hub. He is passionate about helping local entrepreneurs get their ideas off the ground and is also a candidate for SP Honorary Mayor.
EPISODE DATE: 3/13/2019

Ryan Blaney has been practicing law since 2005 when he gained an LLM in International Intellectual Property Law at the prestigious ESADE School of Law in Barcelona Spain. After working for a large IP firm in Barcelona he relocated to the United States to work for Southern California Edison. In 2018 he left corporate America to start Bolimini International a local law firm that he owns and operates here in San Pedro.
In this episode he talks about his upbringing in both Barcelona and the U.S. and eventually what brought him to San Pedro. His mom fell in love with the town during a visit and built her home here when Ryan was older. He spent time living with her during a period of unemployment in his twenties. After he married, he and his husband lived in Long Beach but when it came time to purchase a home near the beach they found the home prices were unaffordable. His mom encouraged him to search in San Pedro and he has been in love ever since.
In addition to being on the Board of Directors for the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce he is also a candidate for Honorary Mayor. His campaign directly supports the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce, Golden State Pops Orchestra, Bridge City Alliance and H.E.L.P., a local organization that helps animals.
Ryan on moving to San Pedro :
"'Two bridges away, it's a whole different world. Legit - the sky is bluer here... I thinks its magical." - Ryan Blaney
We go on to discuss what it's like to work in the greater Los Angeles area and experience the stigma of living in San Pedro, as if its not relevant. We have both experienced it and would love to see that change but ultimately Ryan says it's not his responsibility to educate the world on San Pedro and we both agree that San Pedro will speak for itself one day.
Ryan on starting his entrepreneurial life in San Pedro :
"On January first I woke up, sent an emailed my boss and said 'I'm done. I'm not coming in', went to Cabrillo, did the Polar Bear plunge to rid myself of all the negative... my life was starting over again. " -Ryan Blaney
I was incredibly inspired by Ryan's personal story of what it was like for him to leave his corporate job that he felt was killing his creativity, and begin a new life as a entrepreneur in San Pedro. He loves that he no longer commutes to a day job in the greater Los Angeles area but instead bikes to work down the street from his home everyday. He shares his concerns for the growth of the San Pedro community, hoping that as we expand we don't lose our small town charm and history, but is excited for what the future brings for what will be known as San Pedro's tech hub.
Apple iWatch Commercial
Ryan for Honorary Mayor site
Bolimini International
Chamber of Commerce
Golden State Pops Orchestra
Bridge Cities Alliance
H.E.L.P - Home For Every Living Pet